Call for Papers

Topics of papers include but not limited to:

Agent architectures, ontologies, languages and protocols
Multi-agent systems
Agent-based learning and knowledge discovery
Interface agents
Agent-based auctions and marketplaces
Artificial life and societies
Secure mobile and multi-agent systems
Mobile agents
Mobile Commerce Technology and Application Systems
Mobile Systems

Autonomic computing
Adaptive Systems
Integrity, Security, and Fault Tolerance
Enterprise Software, Middleware, and Tools
Process and Workflow Management
E-Commerce Solutions and Applications
Industry System Experience and Report
Service-centric software engineering
Service oriented requirements engineering
Service oriented architectures
Middleware for service based systems
Service discovery and composition
Quality of services
Service level agreements (drafting, negotiation, monitoring and management)
Runtime service management
Semantic web.



Knowledge Acquisition
Knowledge-Based and Expert Systems
Knowledge Representation and Retrieval
Knowledge Engineering Tools and Techniques
Time and Knowledge Management Tools
Knowledge Visualization
Data visualization
Uncertainty Knowledge Management
Ontologies and Methodologies
Learning Software Organization
Tutoring, Documentation Systems
Human-Computer Interaction
Multimedia Applications, Frameworks, and Systems
Multimedia and Hypermedia Software Engineering.


Smart Spaces
Pervasive Computing
Swarm intelligence
Soft Computing
Software Architecture
Software Assurance
Software Domain Modeling and Meta-Modeling
Software dependability
Software economics
Software Engineering Decision Support
Software Engineering Tools and Environments
Software Maintenance and Evolution
Software Process Modeling